Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply as in Level 5 is the source of progressive knowledge for individual and group management, contract and finance management, management of supply chain risk, contractual risk, and the management of ethical procurement and supply. With 5 core modules and 3 elective modules, one can achieve advanced understanding, knowledge, and skills that can improve an organization’s performance on effective application.

Level 5 All Module Details

Managing Teams and Individuals [L5M1]

Core Module

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate the different schools of thought and the reasoning behind the variety of approaches to the management of themselves, individuals, and groups or teams within organizations.

7.6 • 9.4 • 9.5 9.6 • 10.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Constructetd Response Exam

Management is the administration of an organization, whether it be a business, a not-for-profit organization, or a government body. Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating the efforts

3 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

of its employees or volunteers to accomplish its objectives through the application of available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources. In keeping with other organizational functions, those who manage procurement and supply activity must possess expertise in developing and fulfilling organizational and functional objectives.

120 hrs

Module Learning Time

It is, therefore, essential that learners gain a wider appreciation of theories and techniques that relate to managing teams and individuals involved with the procurement and supply function.

12 Credits

Credit value

Managing Supply Chain Risk [L5M2]

Core Module

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to appraise a variety of tools and techniques to establish the level of risk in supply chains and to recommend and apply ways of avoiding, mitigating or managing risk.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Risk management is a central part of an organisation’s strategy. It is a process whereby the organisation will identify, record and then address the risks associated with their activities with the aim of driving out or controlling those risks to the overall benefit of organisational efficiency and effectiveness. 

1.5 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

The supply chain is by its very nature a complex activity which is therefore susceptible to risk and its associated impacts. This module is designed to enable learners to examine the nature of supply chain risk and to evaluate mitigation techniques which are available to them as they deal with the associated challenges.

60 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

They will undertake risk analysis and consider the advantages of a risk register as they apply a range of appropriate risk management tools and techniques to the supply chain.

6 Credits

Credit Value

Managing Contractual Risk [L5M3]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate the legal and process issues relating to the formation of contracts and the legal implications of contractual non- conformance. They will also assess the impacts of breach of contract and examine coping remedies and provisions that are available under such circumstances.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

As organisations outsource more and more activity it is vital that they ensure that the associated contracts deliver expected services and/or products. Hence, a fundamental area that those who are tasked with managing the procurement and supply function are faced with is the identification, monitoring and management of contractual risk. This module is designed to enable learners to examine the nature of contract risk and the associated legal implications that relate to contract formation and non-conformance. They will also consider the impact of breach of contract and coping strategies to address such breaches.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Advanced Contract and Financial Management [L5M4]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to develop measures to ensure and improve contract performance as they assess the concept and use of strategic sourcing and also consider financial aspects that may impact procurement and supply activity.

6.7 • 6.8 • 7.6 • 8.5

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

In any organisation, a significant element of the procurement and supply function is based around the contracting process. Those involved in the formulation and management of contracts with external suppliers must therefore have a clear understanding of the strategic nature of contractual performance measures in procurement and supply. 

3 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

 Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of money (funds) to accomplish organisational objectives. This module is designed for those working in the procurement and supply field, with responsibility

120 hrs

Module Learning Time

for contracting elements of the procurement and supply function who must also have a strategic awareness of the impact of financial aspects of their discipline.

12 Credits

Credits Value

Managing Ethical Procurement and Supply [L5M5]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the impact of and initiatives to improve, sustainability and the managerial approaches to promote ethical practices in procurement and supply.

2.4 • 6.9 • 7.6 11.4

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

The global economy and the associated advantages of sourcing from a global base of suppliers require organizations to be prepared to address the ethical challenges that such approaches may present to their procurement and supply activity. Similarly, the concept of sustainability and its impact on the supply chain should not be underestimated as organizations strive to be seen to play their part in the global agenda. This module is designed to give those who have managerial responsibility for the procurement and supply function an understanding of the impact of ethics and sustainability on the supply chain, and the opportunity to analyze initiatives to improve practice and ensure organizational compliance with international standards in respect of ethical and sustainable procurement and supply chain management.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Category Management [L5M6]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate approaches that can be adopted to develop category management of both direct and indirect organisational expenditure and plan for the associated strategic processes.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Category management involves applying the end-to-end procurement process to a specific range of goods or services. This involves pre-award processes such as category analysis and demand management, sourcing and contract negotiation, and the post-award processes such as performance management. It is essential that those involved in managing procurement and supply activity can evaluate approaches to develop category management and are able to create process plans which ensure category management success. This module is designed for those who have responsibility for category management as it focuses on the differing approaches for category management using the tools and techniques which are available to assist with the creation of the associated processes for direct or indirect expenditure.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through the Supply Chain [L5M7]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to assess a range of processes that support the achievement of competitive advantage and improvements in organizational performance through its supply chain.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Competitive advantage is associated with the processes and procedures that an organization has at its disposal to outperform its competitors. Many organizations see their supply chains as a significant source of achieving competitive advantage. It is therefore important that those with responsibility for managing the supply chain have a clear understanding of the approaches and techniques that are available

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

to leverage the supply chain to achieve a competitive advantage. This module is designed for such managers responsible for formulating plans and approaches to achieve competitive advantage for their organizations through the supply chain.

60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

 Project and Change Management [L5M8]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to assess the impact and implications of projects, examine approaches applied to the planning and management of projects and recognise the challenges associated with and methods to manage, achieve and maintain organisational change.

4.4 • 8.4

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Procurement is the business function that ensures identification, sourcing, access and management of external resources that an organisation needs or may need to successfully fulfil its strategic objectives. It exists to explore supply market opportunities and to implement resourcing strategies that deliver the best possible supply outcomes to the organisation, its stakeholders and customers.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

 In today’s volatile global trading environments, it is not enough for procurement and supply professionals to simply know the theory behind their profession; they must also be in a position to confidently and effectively apply that knowledge to the benefit of the whole organisation, its stakeholders and customers.

60 hrs

Module Learning Time

This module is designed to test the practical application of procurement and supply concepts and ideas within the practical environments which professionals are expected to perform.

6  Credits

Credit Value

 Operations Management [L5M9]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to understand the concepts of operations management that link to the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain and explain plans, designs, processes, and systems for the improved control or improvement of supply chain operations.

4.2 • 4.3 • 4.4

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

In order to ensure success an organization must create and adopt processes that ensure the consistent production of products and/or services that meet customer demand, both in terms of quantity and quality. This is the responsibility of those who manage the supply chain operations function. This module is designed to enable those involved in procurement and supply to assess techniques that are aimed at improving supply chain operations to the overall benefit of the organization.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6  Credits

Credit Value

Logistics Management [L5M10]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module learners will be able to examine the key stages of the negotiation process and the influence of relationships and ethics on the process. They will also assess the methods and behavioural factors which can influence others.

6.7 • 10.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

In order to ensure success an organisation must create and adopt processes that ensure the consistent delivery of products and/or services that meet customer demand, both in terms of quantity and quality.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

 This is the responsibility of those who manage the supply chain logistics function. This module is designed to enable those involved in procurement and supply to assess techniques that are aimed at improving supply chain logistics to the overall benefit of the organisation.

60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6  Credits

Credit Value

Advanced Negotiation [L5M15]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

Upon completion of this module, learners will be able to examine the key stages of the negotiation process and the influence of relationships and ethics on the process. They will also assess the methods and behavioral factors which can influence others.

6.7 • 10.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Those involved in procurement and supply activity will create and manage formal agreements which will be critical to organizational success. Part of the developmental process for such agreements will rely upon effective negotiations with stakeholders and/or suppliers and also 

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

the ability to influence the individuals and groups involved. This module is designed for those managers who may be faced with preparing for and completing negotiations

60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6  Credits

Credit Value