Level 4 is titled a Diploma in Procurement & Supply. With 8 core subjects, this course provides detailed knowledge regarding business needs, commercial contracting and negotiation, ways to manage fruitful supplier relationships, ways to perform ethical and responsible sourcing, and so on. The knowledge and skills gathered from this level can be applied directly in an organization. In short, a proper and justified understanding of procurement and supply chain management can be achieved at this level.

Level 4 All Module Details

Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply [L4M1]

Core Module

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to identify the key stakeholders in the application of the sourcing process and analyze the procurement cycle, evaluating the influence that procurement and supply have as a source of added value for the organization.

1.1 • 1.2 • 1.3 • 1.4 3.1 • 3.2 • 4.1 • 6.1 6.2 • 7.1 • 8.1 • 11.1

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Constructetd Response Exam

In any organization, a significant proportion of costs are accounted for by the purchases of products and/or services, hence organizations see procurement and supply as key contributors to their value-added strategies. Equally, any organization will also be managing the supply of products and/or services to their customers,

3 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

be they internal or those from other external organizations, consumers, or the general public. This module is designed using the CIPS Procurement Cycle as its basis. It will provide those who are interested in developing an informed awareness of different perspectives or approaches within the discipline,

120 hrs

Module Learning Time

an overview of the key stages associated with procurement and supply, and will serve as an introduction for those who are expected to address complex well-defined procurement and supply problems that are non-routine in nature.

12 Credits

Credit value

Defıning Business Need [L4M2]

Core Module

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to devise a business case for requirements to be externally sourced and will understand the role of market management and competitive forces as they specify goods and services in procurement and supply.

2.2 • 2.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

The development of a business case and the ability to analyse markets are key if an organisation is to successfully source activity from external suppliers. 

1.5 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

Similarly, the clear definition of specifications for through life contracts is crucial to overall business achievement. This module is designed for those who are expected to analyse, interpret and evaluate information on the different types of markets utilised by procurement and supply. 

60 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

It explores a variety of elements that underpin the development of business cases and specifications and considers the options that should be explored when procurement and supply personnel are involved in defining requirements.

6 Credits

Credit Value

Commercial Contracting [L4M3]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to describe the key elements and legal aspects of formal commercial contracts, and analyse and interpret the fundamentals of specifications and key performance indicators that are included in contractual arrangements made with suppliers.

1.3 • 4.1 • 5.1 • 5.2 5.3 • 7.5 • 8.2 • 8.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

In any organisation, a significant element of the procurement and supply function is based around the contracting process. If they are to be successful, contracts must be clearly defined, be cognisant of legal requirements and contain key clauses and terms. This module is designed for those working in the procurement and supply field, or those who have responsibility for the development of legally binding contracts with suppliers.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Ethical and Responsible Sourcing [L4M4]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to explain the options and associated processes available for sourcing with external suppliers. They will also examine the legal and ethical impact and the implications of corporate social responsibility, on the final sourcing decision.

6.4 • 6.5 • 11.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

In any organisation, a significant element of procurement and supply activity is based around decisions to internally conduct activity or to source from an external supplier.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

Hence, the selection of the correct external suppliers is a vital contributor to overall organisational success. This module enables personnel with roles in procurement and supply to formulate selection criteria and sourcing strategies to ensure that the organisation will make the correct choice of external suppliers.

60 hrs

Module Learning Time

It explains options for sourcing, and examines the key processes that can be applied to the analysis of potential external suppliers and to ensure the development of ethically and socially responsible sourcing agreements. .

6 Credits

Credits Value

Commercial Negotiation [L4M5]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module learners will be able to identify approaches to successfully achieving negotiated commercial agreements with external organisations.

6.6 • 7.3 • 7.4

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

The creation of formalized agreements is a critical part of the success of any organization. Those involved in procurement and supply activity will therefore be able to effectively negotiate with stakeholders and/or suppliers and to understand the methods associated with preparing for and carrying out commercial negotiations. This module is designed for those who are faced with negotiations. It enables the learner to analyze approaches to the negotiation of agreements made with external parties, how to prepare for them, and what techniques are available to ensure successful outcomes.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Supplier Relationships [L4M6]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to analyse the dynamics of supplier relationships, examine the processes and procedures for working with stakeholders and appreciate the concept of partnering.

1.2 • 1.4 • 2.1 6.3 • 9.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

In any organisation, a significant element of the procurement and supply function is based around decisions to source activity from external suppliers. Once agreements have been established the relationship established with the supplier is paramount to overall success. At its highest level outsourcing can take the form of a partnership or joint venture. This module is designed for those who have responsibility for maintaining and managing relationships with stakeholders and suppliers and for those who may be faced with establishing and developing formal partnerships.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Whole Life Asset Management [L4M7]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to analyze the dynamics of supplier relationships, examine the processes and procedures for working with stakeholders, and appreciate the concept of partnering.

4.2 • 4.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Whole life costing takes into account the total cost of a product or service over its lifetime, from concept through to disposal including purchase, hire or lease, maintenance, operation, utilities, training, and disposal. Hence, it is important for those involved in the procurement and supply function to take all these elements into consideration when making decisions and comparing the costs of buying, renting, or leasing equipment. In most cases, the purchase costs are a small proportion of the cost of operating it.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

Although costly, there are numerous reasons why organizations elect to hold inventory. The management and control of such inventory are therefore vital to organizational success. This module is designed for those who will have responsibility for the whole-life management of assets and enables learners to analyze methods for inventory movement and control and to analyze the concept of whole-life cost.

60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Procurement and Supply in Practice [L4M8]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to demonstrate the practical application of the key elements of the procurement cycle in an integrated manner, within a workplace context.

1.1 • 1.2 • 1.3 • 1.4 4.2 • 11.1 • 11.2 • 11.3

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Procurement is the business function that ensures identification, sourcing, access and management of external resources that an organisation needs or may need to successfully fulfil its strategic objectives. It exists to explore supply market opportunities and to implement resourcing strategies that deliver the best possible supply outcomes to the organisation, its stakeholders and customers.

3 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

In today’s volatile global trading environments, it is not enough for procurement and supply professionals to simply know the theory behind their profession; they must also be in a position to confidently and effectively apply that knowledge to the benefit of the whole organisation, its stakeholders and customers.

120 hrs

Module Learning Time

This module is designed to test the practical application of procurement and supply concepts and ideas within the practical environments which professionals are expected to perform.

12  Credits

Credit Value