CIPS qualifications are regulated internationally to ensure we offer a recognized, professional standard in procurement and supply. CIPS Level 6* Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply is a vocationally related professional qualification. Formal recognition is included within the regulatory frameworks of an increasing number of countries such as the UK (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland), UAE (including Dubai), and Africa (including Zambia). Further information on this recognition and the details of corresponding qualifications levels for other international qualifications frameworks are detailed on our website. CIPS members can have confidence in our regulated qualifications, which reliably indicate the standard of knowledge, skills, and understanding that you, as a learner, are required to demonstrate.


Strategic Ethical Leadership [L6M1]

Core Module

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to critically evaluate leadership skills and behaviors required to achieve organizational and stakeholder commitment to strategic improvements and change and also appreciate ethical practices, standards, and regulations that impact the procurement and supply function.

1.6 • 1.7 • 9.7 9.8 • 10.4 • 11.5

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Constructetd Response Exam

Globalization and the ever-changing markets in which organizations operate require effective leaders who are able to think and act in a strategic manner. This is particularly true for those who lead the procurement and supply function ensuring that it makes a positive contribution to overall organizational success.

3 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

Strategic Leadership is the ability to make and communicate decisions that enhance the prospects for the organization’s long-term success while maintaining long-term financial stability.

120 hrs

Module Learning Time

This module is designed for those professionals who are expected to deliver effective and efficient procurement and supply. It emphasizes the leadership skills and behaviors required for the achievement of the objectives and improvements sought by the organization.

12 Credits

Credit value

Global Commercial Strategy [L6M2]

Core Module

Module purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate the concept of commercial global strategy and assess the challenges and main elements associated with the formulation and implementation of a commercial strategy and understand the impact of finance on strategic decision making.

1.7 • 2.5 • 2.6

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

The global agenda is becoming more and more prevalent in organizational success. As organizations increase overseas development, investment and sourcing, business leaders are to formulate and implement global commercial strategies. 

3 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

This module is designed for professional procurement and supply chain leaders and takes as its focus the development;

120 hrs

Exam Duration Hours

configuration and implementation of global commercial strategy to enable such leaders to help organizations achieve competitive advantage.

12 Credits

Credit Value

Global Strategic Supply Chain Management [L6M3]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate the influence of strategic supply chain management and assess the methods which are available to measure, improve and optimize supply chain performance.

4.6 • 6.9 • 8.6

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

One of the significant impacts of globalization has been a marked increase in the complexity of the supply chain and associated networks. These challenges require procurement and supply leaders to develop and lead modern day supply chains and understand the vital role that they have in the overall success of corporate and business strategy. This module is designed for such professionals as it focuses on the development, implementation, monitoring and optimization of global supply chains and on the strategic influence of such chains on the achievement of competitive advantage.

3 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


120 hrs

Module Learning Time


12 Credits

Credits Value

Future Strategic Challenges for the Profession [L6M4]

Core Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate the changing needs and requirements for the procurement and supply function and assess the future challenges for the profession.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

The volatile global environment poses a threat to traditional concepts of international trade and presents strategic challenges to the procurement and supply function and profession.

2 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

Strategic procurement and supply leaders require knowledge of the present challenges for their function and profession, and prepare themselves for the future strategic challenges that they will undoubtedly be faced with. 

60 hrs

Module Learning Time

This module is designed to challenge procurement and supply leaders to look ahead and to consider the future strategic challenges for them and their profession.

6 Credits

Credits Value

Strategic Programme Leadership [L6M5]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module learners will be able to assess contracting requirements and approaches to the leadership of major strategic programmes, and evaluate the role that organisational culture has to play on achieving overall success.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Major programs are a key element in any organizational strategy, hence their successful leadership of them is a significant contributor to overall success. This module is designed for those procurement and supply professionals who will develop and lead the implementation and monitoring of contracts from the strategic standpoint requiring a practical knowledge of the associated issues and approaches to program control.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Commercial Data Management [L6M7]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to assess the concept of big data and evaluate the impact of data integrity and cyber security on the procurement and supply function.

3.3 • 3.4

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Until recently big data was seen as a technical issue that had to be addressed; however, organisations now view it as a business opportunity that can significantly contribute to competitive advantage and are now exploiting big data in all of its forms to discover facts that they did not know before. Given this propensity for data and the associated gathering and storage activity, supply chain cyber security is now a key requirement. This module is designed for procurement and supply leaders who require a clear knowledge of the concept of big data and of the impact of data integrity and cyber security.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours


60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Innovation in Procurement and Supply [L6M8]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate techniques for supplier development and innovation in procurement and supply and appraise the environmental factors which should be considered when applying such methods.

3.3 • 3.4 • 7.7

CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

In order to support organizational success procurement and supply has a significant role to play in influencing strategic suppliers to adopt innovative approaches and to continue to develop. Professional procurement and supply leaders are therefore expected to identify areas that offer the opportunity to improve and innovate and to lead and implement the associated processes. 

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

This module is designed for procurement and supply leaders who require a clear knowledge of the tools and techniques which are available to them to achieve improvement and innovation as well as an appreciation of the environmental factors which affect such initiatives.

60 hrs

Module Learning Time


6 Credits

Credits Value

Supply Network Design [L6M9]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to evaluate the strategic nature, influence and contribution of supply network design and operations to overall business strategy and assess the strategic value of resource planning and control.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Every organisation is part of a wider interconnected network of other businesses and organisations; this is termed the supply network. At a strategic level the design and leadership of such networks is crucial to the effectiveness and efficiency of the associated supply chains, it is the operations processes which form a fundamental element of an organisation’s strategic advantage.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

 If materials and/or information are to flow smoothly through the supply network and add value as a result, effective resource planning and control are essential to organisational success. 

120 hrs

Module Learning Time

This module is designed for procurement and supply leaders who require knowledge and understanding of the concept of the strategic supply network, its configuration and influence and be able to assess the impact of operational strategy and resource planning and control.

12  Credits

Credit Value

Global Logistics Strategy [L6M10]

Elective Module

Module Purpose

On completion of this module, learners will be able to assess the strategic logistical implications of globalization and evaluate the global governance of the supply chain and the concept of reverse logistics.


CIPS Global Standard

Module aim(s)


Objective Response Exam

Globalization generates significant opportunities as well as increased risks for organizations. This means that global logistics strategy, the flow of resources and information between a business or source and the consumer is regarded as a key element of organizational success.

1.5 hrs

Exam Durations Hours

Personnel responsible for leading and developing global logistics strategy are seen as significant contributors to competitive advantage and overall business success. This module is designed for procurement and supply

60 hrs

Module Learning Time

leaders who are responsible for global logistics strategy and who require knowledge and understanding of the associated challenges, governance, and requirements for successful strategic implementation.

6  Credits

Credit Value